Aseriaru Windmill Park
Aseriaru Windmill Park was ready to use on 2011. First electric mill was switched into network in September of 2011.
There are eight 3MW Winwind WWD-3 type mills. The total output of the park is 24 MW and it is expected to produce 65 GWh per year.
Mills are the product of Finnish company Winwind Oy. The height of the mill is 90 m, the diameter of rotor is 103 m and the mill weighs 1026 tons. The predictable lifetime of a mill in windmill park is 20 years.
Aseriaru Windmill Park is located in Western-Virumaa, Viru-Nigula parish, between Tallinn-Narva motorway and Aseri village. The area of windmill park is approximately 200 ha. Windmillpark is managed by Aseriaru Tuulepark OÜ.